Sunday, March 7, 2010

March 7

I am getting further and further with my baby blanket. It's really great to feel I am accomplishing something. I think my cousin will really like it. I have prominsed myself I will finish this before I move onto any other piece. I decided to let my little brother help me this past weekend. He was a little slow at first, but once he got used to it, he really enjoyed it. I was very proud of him.

I visited my grandmother this past weekend and she was working on a really pretty scarf. I think it will be really interesting to learn a new stitch. Plus it will be a great chance for me to spend time with my grandma. As soon as I get this blanket done, I promised her I would come over. She is just as happy about it as I am.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

February 28

I am really enjoying this project. It is especially fun on the weekends when my mom and I are both working on our pieces together. She has decided to make me a blanket. The colors go together very well. It's nice when we both are working on our blankets because it gives us time to talk and catch up. I definitely understand how crocheting would be a social gathering which is something we have talked a little bit about in class.
Now that I have been working on the blanket more often, I don't think I'm going to change it to a scarf. My cousin still isn't aware that I'm making her daughter this, I know she will love it. Hopefully my future cousin will keep this her whole life. I still have baby blankets that my family made me and they really mean a lot. I feel like they are something I can pass down to my future children (a good while from now ;-)).
I can't wait till I get this blanket done and get to learn a new stitch with a whole new set of colors. I have already talked to my grandma and she is very eager to teach me what she know, which is a lot. So for now I will keep working hard on the blanket.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

February 21

So I have realized that crocheting a blanket is a very time consuming activity. I am seeing progress and am proud of what I have accomplished so far, but I have thought about maybe making my first work a scarf. I can usually only crochet for an hour at a time before my hands start cramping. It's hard to believe that some women can do this for hours. It is very relaxing though. Especially if I am stressed out, crocheting really can help.

I am very excited to get this done just so I can give it to someone else. This will not only benefit the person I can give this to, but giving something that I made myself to someone I care about, will make me feel like I have done something good. I can be proud of this. After I finish my first piece, I want to try something a little more in detail and different from what I am doing now. I want to learn different stitches. I plan on working on this more times a week so that I can get a blanket done in reasonable time.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Week 3

I managed to get a great start on my baby blanket this week. I have a few inches already. It looks really pretty, I just hope the doctor was right about the baby being a girl. The blanket is a neat mixture of blues and pinks and purples.

Working on the blanket this week was really interesting. Crocheting was really relaxing. I was so concentrated on what I was doing that I didn't have much of anything on my mind. I could definitely see how this craft could be therapuetically beneficial. Before I knew it, I had spent over an hour working on my project. I am very proud of my progress so far and can't wait to see the final outcome.

I plan on working on it even more next week. I will post a picture of my progress next week. I will make other things after I finish the baby blanket. I appreciate any new ideas I can get.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Yarn Ball

I have decided to start with a baby blanket. My cousin is having a baby this summer and I think it would be an excellent gift. I still have my baby blankets my aunt and grandmother made me and they are very important to me.
I picked out a multi-color yarn that is very pretty. It has pink and blue and will be very nice for my cousin's daughter. I picked it also because it is very pleasing to me. So tonight I rolled my yarn into a ball as seen below. This only took a few minutes. I just started by wrapping it around my fingers a few times and then just kept rolling the yarn into a ball. Rolling the yarn into a ball makes it easier to handle while crocheting. It is less likely to get tangled.

So now that my mom has shown me how to start, which is the hardest part, I can begin my baby blanket. There are a few different stitches a person could use to crochet. My mom is teaching me the one she thinks will be best for me to begin.

I plan on working on this at least three times a week for around 45 minutes. After I finish the blanket, I plan on making a scarf. My grandmother is going to show me how to do a different stitch.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Getting Started

My Great Grandmother, my grandmother, and my mom all crochet beautiful blankets and scarves. I want to learn how to do so. When I was telling my mom about this project she said she would be happy to help teach me. This will be great since i do come home every weekend to work.

So why do i want to learn how to crochet? I want to keep the tradition going. I want to be able to make pretty blankets. I collect blankets that i think look unique and even if i don't use them I buy them and sometimes hang them on my walls. If I learn how to crochet, i can make my own unique blankets and have a new hobby.

So what now? My mom gave me a list of supplies i need to get to get started on my blanket. I need yarn and a crochet needle. She said it's also handy to get a basket to keep it in. The picture in the top right is of crochet needles. There are many different sizes but my mom told me that beginners should start with larger ones and work their way up to smaller ones.
So i actually plan on going to get my supplies today so i will have them her next week and my mom can show me how to begin.